Monday, 29 December 2008

Crucified Chimp

Almost forgot. Somewhere on the way we stopped at the local wildlife art gallery and there it was, weird I must admit...

Sunday, 28 December 2008

Paradise Beach or God forsaken place?

Paradise Beach, sounds nice, doesn't it? Turns out it is an absolute s***hole consisting of only one or two shops and plenty of private holiday homes, quite nice beach, but nothing too impressive, time to move further east, Lakes Entrance, much better. Beautiful actually, here it is:

Friday, 26 December 2008

Around Mornington Peninsula

A few photos from a recent trip down south to Port Sea, Sorrento, Mornington,

Wednesday, 10 December 2008


That's all I got for you my friends, got totally sucked in work stuff, and pre-x-mas rush, not that I particularly care but clients seem to be obsessed. ANW here's one from a recent trip.

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Sunday, 17 August 2008

Sunday at St.Kilda

Over the next few days, you're gonna find here some photos from our today's photowalk in St.Kilda. Nice, cold wintery day, but finally out there shooting. I'm also geotagging photos from now on, I'll just have to figure out the way of implementing it to blogger so you can see in Google Maps where exactly the photo was taken. Bare with me as it may take some time :-)

click here for this photo's geo-location in Google Maps

Muriwai, NZ

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Monday, 11 August 2008

HK take 2

Smog or mist....?

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Streets of HK

From today on I'll try to post one photo a day. The goal is to shoot more, but I will also include some of my old photos here.


Saturday, 9 August 2008

Rent a place?

I'm flathunting.... that's what you have to cope with to get a place, and no, that wasn't anything special, dreadfull actually....


Zmieniam chwilowo wyglad na jakis beznadziejny ale w poprzednim zdjecia sie nie mieszcza, jak cos wymysle to zmienie albo calkiem przerobie na macowo...


Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Cape Schanck

Couple of weeks ago we took a trip to Cape Schanck. 76km south, a lovely spot that reminded me of NZ a little bit, nice views, lighthouse, just the usual. On the way, wintery green landscapes of OZ, shame they'll turn brown in the summer, anyway, a few shots here (click the map, the top one...)

Dwa tygodnie temu wybralismy sie na Cape Schanck, nic szczegolnego wziawszy pod uwage nowozelandzkie widoki ale niemniej przyjemnie. Po drodze zimowe krajobrazy, zielen wszedzie :-) lato bedzie brazowe... ok, zdjecia po kliku w mape. ( ta gorna)

Friday, 18 July 2008

Wednesday, 11 June 2008


Looks like I'm gonna stay here for at least two years... De ja vu? :-)

Wyglada ze jednak tu zostane na jakis czas, przynajmniej dwa lata :-)) czyzby de ja vu?

Saturday, 31 May 2008


No to sie wkur****lem. Wlasnie skonstatowalem ze wszystkie moje filmy, ktore nagrywalem w roznych okolicznosciach od mniej wiecej 10 lat poszly sie ..... **c. Jakos dziwnie cudownie, jeden folder w moich "Videos" w ktorym wlasnie mialem te "MOJE" zniknal, ok, nie ma strachu, mamy backup drive, nie ma!, ok, w szafie lezy jeszcze jeden backup, nie m
a!!!!, czesc odzyskalem z DVDs , tez w szafie, ale cale USA, Austria, Polska, wieksza czesc i czesc Nowej Zelandii poszlaaaaa, nie wiem kiedy, nie wiem gdzie, gdzies podczas ktoregos z backupow, jeden folder, sie "przypadkowo" nie skopiowal. a wszstko to bo co? Bo kurde, miejsca ciagle malo i przenosi, to tu to tu, troche tu a troche tu, i od tego przenoszenia tak sie potem ma. Dobrze ze moje zdjecia sie uchowaly (na razie)... jak mi troche kaski luznej wplynie to sobie sprawie dwa takie malutkie
zmirroruje sie je i bedzie wrzucac wszystko, albo inne Drobo, albo innego RAIDa, czy NASa, cholera wie co, byle duze bylo... wrrrr, chodze i dymie..... i jeszcze znowu chory jestem. jak ktos ma jakies moje filmiki to poprosze je podeslac. 

Thursday, 1 May 2008


I think I should look for a professional help... Today... was great :-) Don't wanna think what it's gonna be like tomorrow...


Why is it that one day you feel like the whole world belongs to you and the very next day you feel like the very same world is falling to pieces and coming to an end? Just a few days back, I wouldn't even believe if you told me that, I was so enthusiastic about work, future, life in general and yet today it feels like it all just doesn't matter and doesn't make much sense?

The video is about a professor from Carnegie Mellon University, his "last lecture" as they call it there. Cancer. 6 months to go. Tops. that was back in Sept 2006, well he's still hanging in there. What would you do if you knew when it's gonna come? Dunno... Would you like to know? Don't think so... It's not the video that put in my current state, it's rather my state what made me find this video.
 I remember a quote that I used once for a special someone. It goes somewhat like so: 
"Sometimes we put up walls, not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down." I think it was by M. Twain, but don't hold me to that. Anyways, Randy paraphrases this saying that walls that life puts in front of you are there to break them down, well question is how many of them do you have to break to finally get there? Is there a shortcut? a way around?
Anyways I'm sick, sitting home and I guess I've got too much time to think and that usually doesn't work well 4 me.
On the other note, I haven't had my hands on my camera for nearly two months now. Doesn't feel right. Maybe I should sell it. And get a car instead...
Almost two weeks since I filed my papers for a business visa, still 2-5 to go. Life sucks... I wish I could start working full steam and finally have some decent income. Resources are shrinking by the day, and what if.... what then?

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Love my job / Kocham swoja robote

I love my job. Things I've been doing for the last 12 years or so, which seems like an eternity to me right now, I get to do at work, and guess what, I'll get paid for it too. Every day brings a new challenge, when i see my boss coming I'm thinking "mmmm how exciting, wonder what it's gonna be this time" and looks like all these years spent watching photoshop tutorials were not in vain. A bit of retouch a bit of more creative stuff, all under a tag of a Graphic Designer. Life's good again

Mmmmm, jak dobrze byc grafikiem, szef wchodzi a ty zamiast patrzec spode lba zastanawiasz sie czym mozna bedzie sie pobawic tym razem, to ze czasem jest "na wczoraj" no jest, ale to tez daje wiekszego kopa... mmmmmmmmmmm

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Karma change? / Zmiana losu?

Well well well, whatta ya know... God exists. Just had a nice little phone call that changed everything.

Well folks, I gotta job, what more can I say...

No prosze prosze, Bog jednak istnieje. Wlasnie odebralem jeden przyjemny telefon.

Coz mam jeszcze powiedziec, mam robote....

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

How I have found myself....

....with my pants around my ankles and my life standing right behind me looking down at me with a silly grin on it's face saying, hey man, remember who's in charge here...

Firstly thou a few words of apology for not staying in touch with literally anyone, well sometimes u just don't feel like you've got anything to say, for me it is now.

Now to the point.

Caution: Article highly toxic. Possible side effects after reading: Suicidal thoughts.

Pursuit of happiness - continuation.

So let me paint a little picture for you my dear reader. (I know u don't start a sentence with "so", but what the hell, as Animals sung:

It's my life and I do what I want,
It's my mind and I think what I want[...]"

If you've been following my blog you know all that so skip a few lines.

It's June 2005, New Zealand, life is great, you finally got your papers from immigration, new start, wonderful! You got the job, you've got time to develop your interests, hobbies, nice scenery, couldn't be better. Not quite. If you're a bit like me you want more from life, even thou it's OK, but as Alex Hitchens said:

"What if OK is not enough...? What if I want extraordinary...?"

So you go ahead and create another lifestyle opportunity. You start architectural photography business. Time goes by, it's going well. You meet people, important people in your life, you climb higher. With a lot of help of your closest you manage to get your name out in publishing world. You're in the magazine, in the book, for once in your life someone says what you do is great, and it ain't the guy in the mirror, great, but there's a dead end down the road. Architectural world where you live is so tight and uninviting that you have to start looking somewhere else, so you do. You make one of the hardest decisions of your life, leave people behind, even thou they matter, all in chase for a better future...? Comes August 2007. You're out there, people know you, and you commit a photo that gets everyone's attention. And there comes an offer. (now I won't quote, as it would be too easy to track it down on Google, and I'm not after revenge) "Matt, come work with us in Aussie". So you think to yourself, well, maybe it's the right time to make the move. But take it easy, go and check it out first. So you do. You fly over, meet the guy, from now on referred to as Certain Someone (CS), he seems reasonable, offer is clear, we discuss more details, set up a date, great. You go back to NZ, clean things up, quit your job, say good bye to friends, go home for Christmas.

March 2008

Welcome Aussie. You ring the guy, hey, I'm here, oh great, let's meet next week. Week goes by. CS ain't ringing, furthermore CS doesn't answer your calls or emails.
A month goes by, nothing, knock knock, says life, you've just been fucked!

First step is admitting it, so I do. No time to cry. You've already started sending out your CV, predicting what might happen and you start from scratch.

That's how you were a photographer... once...

Mr CS, the day will come, sleep with your eyes open. You get what you give. What goes around, comes around. Whatever you wanna call it, it'll come back to you.

I'll be fine, I'll just have to hit the ground again, wait for the dust to settle and start climbing up again, and I will, 'cuz if not me, who else...? Always have, always will. Why? Because I want extraordinary.

On a good side of things thou, in situations like this, you realize who your real friends are, someone who could easily show you a middle finger for what you've done to them, comes with a helping hand, someone whom you didn't necessarily known for that long turns out to be your great help. So all in all, life ain't that bad, you just have to take the punch once in a while to wake up from this little dream of yours. And wake up with something in between you legs that doesn't belong :-)

To wrap it up, It's fool's day when I write it, but it ain't funny, so please do me a little courtesy and don't ask me "how is it going", 'cuz it ain't fu***n going nowhere at the moment, and I'm a ball of fire, sleepless for weeks now, feeling like a zombie, and still having to make a good impression at the interviews.

That was a confession of a former photographer.

Now that I read it, it may sound like a rant, but it's not, I've got no one to blame but myself, it's more of a warning, trust no one, not even your own judgement, as it may let you down.

tlumaczenia nie bedzie

Monday, 24 March 2008

Poll / Glosowanie

I've added a little poll, top right, to find out which way you prefer the photos being displayed, blogger-style or old-school-style as on feel free to give me a buzz

Edit: a bit pointless, wasn't it? I'm not changing it anyway...

Dodalem glosowanie po prawej na gorze, ktora forma bloga jest ciekawsza i bardziej przyjazna, ta tu na blogspocie czy "oldskulowa" jak na 

Edit: bez sensu, i tak nic nie zmienie, zdjalem to ...

Sunday, 23 March 2008

The Great Ocean Road

click image for more photos / kliknij zdjęcie zeby zobaczyc wiecej

Happy Easter everyone! I like this place, we have 4 days off over the Easter, not that I particularly care since I'm still without a job, but my friends have more time so we organized a "little" trip out of the city borders, exactly 320 km one way to Port Campbell to see some nice places and man, did we see them... I'll leave you with these few photos. Oh, and we saw some kangaroos, well, one to be precise, catch ya later.

Wesolego jajka! no to wreszcie mam o czym napisac. Pojechalismy wczoraj w "mala" podroz, dokladnie 320 km poza miasto w jedna strone, zobaczyc troche kraju no i zobaczylismy, kangury, no, jednego itd. Na razie kilka fotek.

Friday, 14 March 2008


WTF?? does blogspot really suck or is it just me? One of the reasons for me to come here was the fact that you can simply email your post and it gets displayed instantly on your website, but when I wanted to send an email including some photos (below) what I get is some f*** question marks?

Well, until I'll solve this problem it'll have to stay that way, 'cause I don't feel like uploading all my photos one by one. Will have to find a new platform I guess...

Co jest k***? caly dowcip polegal na tym zeby mozna bylo wyslac maila na blogspot i nie martwic sie o nic wiecej, tym czasem okazuje sie ze zdjecia trzeba uploadowac pojedynczo, bez sensu, no nic, do czasu az sprawdze o co chodzi, tak musi byc, albo zmienimy "blogownie"

A few recent photos to catch up / Nadganiam - kilka zdjec

OK, so if there's gonna be a photo on this site it means you have to click it :-) and maybe you'll see some more otherwise just carry on reading if you feel like

OK, od teraz jesli bedzie tu jakas fota to nalezy ja kliknac zeby zobaczyc pozostale, nie trzeba ale tylko mowie, ze mozna...

New country - New Life / Nowy Kraj - Nowe zycie

Yo Yo, let's get it started, here's the new place for me to vent my thoughts about my new home - Australia, for all of you my English speaking friends, I've decided to write this part in both, Polish and English so you can track me down and write some sh** about me in comments, enjoy!

Ho Ho hO, here we go, zaczynamy nowy rozdzial w zyciu podroznika Macka, teraz tu, bede sie uzewnetrznial i wylewal swoj zale na nowy kraj jakim jest Australyja, jako ze w Kiwilandii poznalem troche anglojezycznej swoloczy to bede tez pisal dla nich, wiec zaczynamy!!

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One little note for you my friends, this is not an accurate translation of the above, it just wouldn't make sense, some things r just "normal" so there's no point bragging about it...

stara strona nadal dziala pod adresem

RSS dziala, zeby sie zapisac nalezy wybrac news readera z listy feeds.

I taka mala informacja, nie jest to tlumaczenie doslowne, nie bede pisal tego samego slowo w slowo tu i w ang wersji, bo sie po prostu nie da, wiec wypadaloby czytac obie wersje, po prostu niektore rzeczy dla "nich" sa normalne i odwrotnie, wiec nie bede ich opisywal jako cos nadzwyczajnego, OK, malo to ma sensu ale chyba mozna zlapac o co chodzi