Sunday, 23 March 2008

The Great Ocean Road

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Happy Easter everyone! I like this place, we have 4 days off over the Easter, not that I particularly care since I'm still without a job, but my friends have more time so we organized a "little" trip out of the city borders, exactly 320 km one way to Port Campbell to see some nice places and man, did we see them... I'll leave you with these few photos. Oh, and we saw some kangaroos, well, one to be precise, catch ya later.

Wesolego jajka! no to wreszcie mam o czym napisac. Pojechalismy wczoraj w "mala" podroz, dokladnie 320 km poza miasto w jedna strone, zobaczyc troche kraju no i zobaczylismy, kangury, no, jednego itd. Na razie kilka fotek.

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One little note for you my friends, this is not an accurate translation of the above, it just wouldn't make sense, some things r just "normal" so there's no point bragging about it...

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I taka mala informacja, nie jest to tlumaczenie doslowne, nie bede pisal tego samego slowo w slowo tu i w ang wersji, bo sie po prostu nie da, wiec wypadaloby czytac obie wersje, po prostu niektore rzeczy dla "nich" sa normalne i odwrotnie, wiec nie bede ich opisywal jako cos nadzwyczajnego, OK, malo to ma sensu ale chyba mozna zlapac o co chodzi